
Geofences, or Zones, are the core of the OWL Platform.

Users can create zones to separate a project into areas based on their purpose. Zones can be used to create a system for on-site access to ensure that your workers, vehicles and other assets are where they need to be at all times.


Zones can be created very quickly and easily, either directly through the OWL Portal or via imported KML files, allowing for rapid use of existing geospatial data.

Users can configure zones as:


Zones can be customised to tailor the OWL Platform to your project’s specific needs. With the use of custom fields, zones can be used to manage even the most particular of worksite layouts.

Through the OWL Portal you can:


Once a project is appropriately zoned, users can define triggerable alerts to be sent to workers via the smartphone app or through OWL Tags.

Alerts are triggered based on the behaviour of users or plant, and can be fully customised to suit your project’s primary targets.

Use OWL Alerts to:

Explore how to use Zones



Using OWL’s monitoring and alerting systems, both site-based workers, and remote lone workers are kept away from harm at all times.


Adaptable and innately flexible, OWL’s approach to management, tracking, and data is crucial to the execution and end result of any team project.


Protect your business while simultaneously benefiting the environment.



Overcoming regulation anxiety with the power of location-based data and automation.

We'd love to show you the platform in action...

See how OWL can empower your projects & teams with location data